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A bearded man with glasses watches a serene sunset from a balcony, his hands resting on the railing. The sky is a blend of warm orange and yellow hues, creating a calm and reflective atmosphere, symbolising a thoughtful moment.

20 Reasons I Hate Being A Dad

Parenting. There’s so much to hate about it like my own free time, money, and personal space mysteriously vanishing!

If you’re a parent who has ever wondered, “Why do I hate being a mum?” or “Why did I sign up to be a dad?you’re not alone. Maybe you’re even thinking that you’re not cut out for parenting?

I mean, life used to be simple: I left the house, did my thing, and called it a day. Now? It’s like running a 24/7 support hotline… except my clients pay me in “art” and lose every sock they own.

This post is for every dad who’s felt like they’re winging it, for those moments when we’re all just a little tired, a little out of patience, and maybe even “hate” aspects of this parenting gig.

Spoiler: behind each gripe is a kid I secretly wouldn’t trade for the world. But shh – don’t tell them that!

I Hate That My Wardrobe is Now Covered in Mysterious Stains

I used to be semi-stylish. Now, every shirt I own has been personally redecorated by sticky hands, mystery stains, and the occasional crayon art. Truly, I’m a walking modern art piece.

I Hate That My Food is Never My Own

Nothing is sacred, not even my dinner plate. I sit down to eat, and suddenly, I’m feeding three extra mouths because my food is “better.” Spoiler: it’s the same damn food.

Even telling them it’s spicy doesn’t work anymore, because they’ve learnt to love spicy foods!

I Hate the “Are We There Yet?” Broken Record

Remember car rides with music and silence? Now, it’s hours of “Are we there yet?” Honestly, if I had a pound for every time I heard that, I could pay for the petrol to get us there faster.

I just tell them we’ll get there “in about 40 minutes” and they shh.

I Hate Being a Full-Time Human Alarm Clock

Who knew “Dad” also meant “professional waker-upper?” I’m a master of “just five more minutes, Dad” negotiations… my teenager can’t get up in the morning for love nor money, but come her clubs and things she wants to do, suddenly she’s an expert time keeper.

I Hate That My Sleep Schedule is in the Hands of a Toddler

A zombie man sits on a sofa in a dimly lit room, holding a remote control and watching a show on TV. His face is illuminated by the blue glow of the screen, capturing a classic “dad zoning out” moment as he unwinds after a long day. The relaxed yet focused expression highlights the quiet, tech-driven relaxation of late-night viewing

I remember sleep. Those were the days. Now, I’m up at ungodly hours because someone “saw a shadow.” Meanwhile, I’m the one who actually looks like a zombie.

I Hate the Bedtime Negotiations

Back in the day, bedtime was simple. Now, it’s a full-on diplomatic affair, complete with stories, snack requests, and just one more hug. By the time they’re asleep, I’m ready for bed too.

I Hate How Everything I Own is Now “Ours”

I used to have things that were mine – my phone, my snacks, my life. Now? “Dad, can I use this?” Basically, I’m just leasing my stuff until they move out.

I Hate That Leaving the House is Like a Military Operation

I used to be out the door in two minutes. Now, I’m wrangling coats, shoes, and snack bags like a dad-shaped octopus. Who knew a quick trip to the shop required three toilet breaks, a change of shoes, a nappy change, then inevitably forgetting your keys or wallet due to over-stim.

I Hate How My Car is a Crumb-Filled Disaster Zone

Once upon a time, my car was clean. Now? It’s a snack graveyard with crumbs and wrappers in every crevice. I don’t even know what half of these snacks are.

I Hate That I’m “Tech Support” for the Entire Household

My children somehow know all the hacks to Minecraft but can’t figure out how to log into their own devices, or sign-in to their own e-mail address. Cue me, running Dad’s 24-Hour Tech Helpdesk, free of charge.

I Hate That I Can’t Watch Anything “Grown-Up”

I used to enjoy movies that didn’t involve animated animals singing. These days? I can recite every Bluey episode, which is impressive yet mildly depressing.

I Hate That I’m Always Carrying All The Bags

A man carrying multiple large backpacks, almost obscured by the load, walking on a scenic outdoor trail surrounded by greenery and mountains under a bright blue sky. The image humorously captures the typical "dad pack mule" experience when hiking or traveling with family, loaded down with everyone's gear

When did I become a pack mule? Somehow, I’m always loaded down with bags, toys, and jackets, while my children skip ahead, bag-free. And yes, they packed ALL the snacks, and three packs of crayons, and their “phones”.

I Hate My Home is Basically a Toy Museum

I used to walk around my house without fear. Now, it’s like navigating a LEGO minefield, with Hot Wheels and plush animals lurking in every corner.

I Hate That I Have to Pretend to Understand Homework

Remember maths class? Neither do I, but here I am, trying to remember algebra to help with homework. Apparently, math has changed since I was a kid. But not to worry… AI to the rescue.

I Hate That I’ve Become the Official “Snack Dealer”

Breakfast, lunch, dinner – none of it matters. All my kids really want are snacks. I basically moonlight as a snack dealer with endless crisps and yoghurts ready to go.

I Hate That My Bathroom is No Longer Private

Once upon a time, I had a peaceful bathroom. Now, I have “guests” who seem to need something urgently whenever I’m in there. Privacy? What’s that?

I Hate That I’m Constantly a Referee

Every day is a battle royale, and I’m the ref for all sibling squabbles. By the end of it, I’m ready for a timeout myself (and maybe a snack break).

I Hate That I Know Every Disney Theme Song by Heart

Sure, I love a good Disney tune, but my mind is now a jukebox of cartoon themes I can’t turn off. I hum Let It Go in the shower against my will. Speaking of which, why not check out my post on 20 Inspirational Walt Disney Quotes for Dads.

I Hate That the Closest I Get to a Night Out is Takeaway Pizza

Going out used to be fun. Now, a wild night is staying up past 10 with a pizza and a movie I probably won’t finish because… well, I’ll be asleep.

I Hate That They’re Growing Up Too Fast

I blinked, and they’re not babies anymore. As much as I complain, I know that one day, I’ll look back on these years and miss every single “hate” on this list.

That’s All Folks

Yes, being a dad has its… challenges. I might joke about why I “hate” being a dad (or why I occasionally understand the RegretfulParents subreddit), but the truth is, these moments are fleeting, and each one comes with its own joy.

Parenting is messy, exhausting, and often thankless, but it’s the best adventure I never knew I wanted. So here’s to all the dads, mums, and anyone else navigating Mr Bones Wild Ride (except you definitely can’t get off).

You’re doing great (and you deserve ALL the snacks).

Let’s be honest: parenting is tough. Some days you feel like you’re failing, other days you’re winning, and then there are those days when you’re just surviving. And you know what? That’s okay. It’s normal to struggle with certain parts of parenting and even “hate” them at times.

We all have moments when we wish for a little more quiet, a little more sleep, or a snack that hasn’t been nibbled on by tiny hands. But through every exhausting, hilarious, “why-did-I-sign-up-for-this?” moment, there’s a love so deep that makes it all worth it. So here’s to us, tackling each day, one step at a time.

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